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The writers and directors behind the Marvel Studios movie are set to bring "The Gray Man" – a film based on a series of bestsellers from Mark Greaney – to the streaming giant and the big wigs have committed more than $200 million to the project that will see Evans opposite Gosling as his character's arch-nemesis, according to Deadline.


The astronomical figure is significant given the fact that it will mark the first time in the company's history that it has elected to climb to such heights in order to finance a blockbuster of this scale.


Gosling, 39, is tapped to star as an ex-CIA operative, Court Gentry, who has since become a gun-for-hire while Evans, also 39, plays Gentry's former colleague, Lloyd Hansen, who is handed the obvious assignment of pursuing Gentry.

39歲的高斯林被選中飾演前中情局特工Court Gentry,他是一名槍手。39歲的埃文斯飾演Gentry的前同事Lloyd Hansen,他被安排去追捕Gentry。


"The Gray Man" will be written and directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, two brothers who Evans is incredibly familiar with, in the sense that the Russo brothers also helmed "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," which starred Evans in 2014.

《灰色人》由Joe和Anthony Russo編劇和導演,埃文斯和這兩兄弟的關係非常好,Russo兄弟二人曾負責埃文斯在2014年出演的《美國隊長2》。

"The movie is a real mano a mano between those two great actors who represent two different versions of the CIA, in what it can be, and what it can do," Anthony Russo told Deadline. "For those who were fans of 'Captain America: Winter Soldier,' this is us moving into that territory in more of a real-world setting. That's what this movie really means for us."

Anthony Russo對Deadline網站說:“這部電影是這兩大演員之間真正的對決,他們代表了中情局的兩面,一個代表了它的樣子,一個代表了它的能力。我想告訴《美國隊長2》的粉絲們,這部劇的背景更真實一些。這就是它的意義所在。”

What's more, is the original "Gray Man" project reportedly began its development some years back at New Regency with Brad Pitt and James Gray tied to the project at the time, however, the project stalled and the Russos swooped in and have been quietly developing it for years, according to the outlet.

此外,有媒體報道,據說最初《灰色人》這一項目是在幾年前由New Regency製片公司籌備的,當時布拉德·皮特和詹姆斯·格雷也有參與。但後來這個項目停了,由Russo兄弟二人接手,他們悄無聲息地籌備了多年。


