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The growing need for LGBT rights has become much more apparent, what with increased awareness and the exposition of vicious hate crimes against this particular demographic. More and more people, even those who are not part of the LGBT community, recognize that these crimes violate basic human rights and have begun to take a stand against it. As such, the topic of same-sex marriage is highly controversial these days. The movement in defense of gay rights in the United States began in 1969 during the Stonewall Riots. This is often dubbed the "Rosa Parks" moment of the gay rights movement, when members of the LGBT community protested after a police raid in Stonewall Inn, one of the few establishments that welcomed openly gay patrons at the time. To better understand this event, take note that it occurred in the same period when other social rights movements were reaching their turning point.

隨着同性戀者權利意識的覺醒以及針對這一特殊羣體的仇視性犯罪的不斷髮生,如何處理同性戀者(譯註:LGBT分別是lesbian,gay, bisexual, transgender or transsexual的首字母組合,分別意爲蕾絲,基友,雙性戀,易性癖)不斷增長的利益訴求便顯得尤爲重要。越來越多的人(包括非同性戀者在內)認爲這些犯罪侵犯了基本人權,於是開始反對同性戀暴力。正因如此,同性婚姻問題成了這段時間以來最具爭議性的話題。


The African American Civil Rights Movement and the Anti-war demonstrations were very active at that point in time. Homosexuals faced persecution both socially and legally, and it was illegal to have homosexual relations in every state but Illinois. It has been 45 years, and only half the states now allow same-sex marriages. These years have marked the build-up for a voice for this community, both within and without it, and the same-sex community of today receive much more recognition and rights than the bleak prospects of the LGBT living in the 1960s. Here, we present to you the top 10 reasons why same-sex marriage ought to be fully legalized.

美國的同性戀權利運動始於1969年的石牆暴亂(Stonewall Riots)。石牆酒吧是那時爲數不多的幾個向同性戀開放的場所之一,1969年的6月27日當天,警察在逮捕同性戀者時首次遭到拒絕,這就使得石牆暴亂如黑人民權運動的羅莎·帕克斯事件一般成爲美國同性戀權利運動的起點。(羅莎·帕克斯Rosa Parks,是一位黑人女裁縫,因爲在阿拉巴馬州(Alabama)蒙哥馬利(Montgomery)市的城市公交車上拒絕向一名白人男子讓座,而最終神話般引發了美國五六十年代的黑人民權運動。)想要透徹理解此次事件的意義,就一定要注意其發生的特殊時間段——其他社會權利運動正走向轉折之時。那時,黑人的民權運動以及反戰爭示威遊行正如火如荼地進行。而同性戀者卻承受着來自於社會和法律的雙重壓力,除伊利諾伊州外,同性戀愛在其他各州都被認定爲違法。已經45年過去了,但目前全美也只有一半的州准許同性結婚。這些年來,不管是同性戀者還是非同性戀者,爲同性戀羣體爭取權利的呼聲都日益高漲。相較於60年代同性戀者暗無天日的生活,這一羣體如今得到了更廣泛的理解和接受,也擁有了更多的權利。接下來,讓我們來爲您呈現同性婚姻應當合法化的十大理由。


10. Economic Benefits of Marriage


同性戀婚姻合法化的十大理由(上) 第2張

Not many people know this, but legalizing same sex marriages would provide a significant financial boom for both the private and public sector. Members of the LGBT community wish to marry for the same reasons we all wish to get married, and must undergo the same processes if they were allowed to marry. Part of these processes is the financial aspect. Marriage ceremonies entail a significant expense, and it was estimated by the Comptroller of New York that the added infusion from legalizing same sex couple marriages would add $142 million to the economy. This not only accounts for the profits that businesses will receive if same-sex marriage is allowed, but also for the payments these couples must make to acquire marriage licenses. They will also experience higher income taxes as a couple, and different state benefit programs would decrease their costs significantly.


9. Prevents Benefit Exclusion Marriage

9. 縮減單身者額外開支

同性戀婚姻合法化的十大理由(上) 第3張

Family is a recognized institution of society, but no government has the right to force it upon people. Conversely, no government has the right to exclude someone from participating in this institution simply because of a particular community they belong to as this is tantamount to discrimination. However, this exclusion is very real for as long as same-sex marriages remain illegal in various states, and the ramifications extend beyond the simple recognition of a couple’s relationship. Marriage provides benefits for aspects like inheritance, taxation, financial and physical protection in appropriate cases (e.g. abusive relationships, allocation of financial assets in case relationship ends, etc.) and even hospital visitation rights (marriage considers you as part of the immediate family of the person). The denial of these benefits create a very real economic cost as well, as the LGBT couples must expend resources (estimated by the New York Times to reach up to $467,562 in their lifetime) as opposed to a legally married couple.


8. "Traditional Marriage" Concept is Historically Inaccurate


同性戀婚姻合法化的十大理由(上) 第4張

There are various reasons while people oppose same-sex marriage, but a common argument of opponents is that the alteration of the traditional views on marriage may weaken the institution and lead to polygamy and even interspecies marriages. Consider this: what is a "traditional marriage"? While many think that this has always been defined as one man and one woman, this is a historically inaccurate misconception. Literature and various artifacts throughout the years of human existence are a testament to the prevalence of forms of marriage that today, would be considered "unconventional" despite being traditional for their time. From a purely biological standpoint, heterosexual monogamy can be seen as unnatural when we consider the common occurrence of polyamorous societies, concubines, communal child-rearing and the like throughout history and evolution. Our society allows people who barely know each other to get married and separate only a few months later. Which is more likely to weaken the institution of marriage- a male and female couple with this flippant attitude or two members of the LGBT community who are willing to take the risk of judgment and discrimination, simply to fight for the recognition of their relationship?

當人們反對同性之間的婚姻時,總能提出一大堆理由,而他們普遍認爲傳統婚姻觀念的改變是一種傷風敗俗的行爲,有可能導致一夫多妻甚至人與動物成婚的奇景。讓我們想一想,什麼是傳統婚姻呢?好吧,也許許多人心裏早將之定義爲一個男人和一個女人的結合,其實這是錯誤的。在人類繁衍的數千年曆史中,許多文學作品和文物記錄着那時的傳統婚姻形式,但與今日所流行的相比,卻又顯得如此格格不入了。從純粹的生物學角度看,縱觀歷史的變遷和人類的演化,一夫多妻,妻妾成羣,一大家和睦共處的情況屢見不鮮,倒是如今的一夫一妻制顯得不太自然。我們現在所處社會允許人們閃婚之後再閃離,這種異性之間草率的行爲和兩位來自同性戀羣體(LGBT community )的伴侶,甘冒天下之大不韙,努力讓世人接受他們的關係比較來看,哪種更應該視作傷風敗俗呢?

7. Society Evolves, Marriage is Redefined


同性戀婚姻合法化的十大理由(上) 第5張

Building on the previous item, the concept of marriage is constantly redefined, just as society evolves and grows. In the past, many cases of marriages were harmful to the various constituents involved (at times to the extent of being non-consensual like in arranged marriages) and yet their respective societies recognized them. Why do today’s laws refuse two individuals who truly and honestly want to make their union work? Many Americans now support same-sex marriage as compared to the sentiment of the past, which ostracized various cultures for their unconventionality. In May 2013, Gallup conducted a poll that found that more than half Americans support same-sex marriage. Until 1967, interracial marriage was also still illegal in several US states. In 1970, no-fault divorce was introduced on January 1 in California, and has dynamically affected the institution of marriage. These are just a few examples of how marriage and other institutions of society adapt and change over time. It would be backward to think that one definition can remain relevant for all time, especially given that change is the only constant in our dynamic world.



