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(1)as , like

as 表示"作爲"強調身份,like (介詞)表示"像"

As a teacher, he cares for these children.

Like a teacher, he cares for these children.

(2)with , in

with 表示"外貌特徵或附帶的東西" ," 用……作工具"

in 表示"衣着" "用某語言", 在固定搭配中也可用in

A man with dark glasses wanted to buy drinks.

A man in black wanted to buy drinks.

The boy is learning to write in pencil / with a pencil.

He retold the text in English.

(3)for , to


To 表示動作對象, "對, 向." 如:

He would do anything for his motherland.

Did you mention this to my father?


for 表示"就某情況而說 ", to 表示一"對某對象而言"如:

It's quite warm today for February.就二月的天氣,今天夠暖和的。

What he told you just now was not new to me


for 表示"目的,用途"。與go, come 動詞連用

(5)on ,about 關於

on 表示這本書、文章、演說是嚴肅的學術性的,供專門研究這一問題的人閱讀;


例句:There will be a lecture on economics this afternoon.

He is writing a book on cooking.

He told me a lot about his life in the summer vocation.

(6)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具

by 以……方法、手段或泛指某種交通工具;

with 表示用 …工具、手段,一般接具體的工具和手段;

in 表示用…方式,用…語言(語調、筆墨、顏色)等;

例句:He makes a living by selling newspapers.

He broke the window with a stone.

The foreigner spoke to us in English.



(1)into, inside , in 從外到內 如:

He went quickly into / inside the room.

He went quickly into / inside the room.

(2)out of 從裏到外,相當於outside, 或從裏向外,相當於from

She went out of from the office in a hurry 她匆匆走出辦公室.

The boy watched the buses, cars and bikes out from the window .


(3)on 在……表面,onto 到……上

A boat is on the river. 一條小船在河上。

He jumped onto a tree. 他跳上一棵樹

(4)across 穿過一平面、through 穿過一空間

The boy kicked the ball hard and it moved across the grass.


The train moved fast through the tunnel. 火車飛駛隧道。

(5)The train moved fast through the tunnel. 火車飛駛隧道。

She walked to the bank 她步行到銀行去

She swam towards the shore 她朝岸邊游去。



1)、 直接位於句首做主語。

例如:Swimming is a good sport in summer.

2)、 用 it 作形式主語,把動名詞(真實主語)置於句尾作後置主語。動名詞做主語時,不太常用 it 作先行主語,多見於某些形容詞及名詞之後。

例如:It is no use telling him not to worry.

3)、動名詞作主語與動詞不定式作主語的比較:動詞不定式和動名詞都可以用作主語。在意義上相近。但動名詞多用來表示泛指或抽象動作,不定式多用來表示特指或具體動作。比較: Smoking is not good for health.  It is not good for you to smoke so much.



Your task is cleaning the windows. 你的任務就是擦窗戶。(Cleaning the windows is your task.)

What I hate most is being laughed at. 我最痛恨的就是被別人嘲笑。 (Being laughed at is what I hate most.)


動名詞作定語往往表示被修飾詞的某種用途。如: a washing machine=a machine for washing=a machine which is used for washing 。


例:We are thinking of making a new plan for the next term. 我們正考慮爲下學期制定新的計劃。

5、有些詞後只能接動名詞 ,不能跟不定式。

allow;avoid; celebrate; consider; discontinue; dislike; enjoy; escape; excuse; explain; feel like; finish; forgive; can’t help; imagine; keep; it means;mind; miss; practice; prevent;等


spend money/time; think of, give up, put off, insist on, be good at, do well in, can't help, keep on, feel like, be tired (afraid, capable, fond) of, look forward to, be used to, devote oneself to, stick to, respond to, look forward to,

7、 有些詞後面加不定式和動名詞均可,例如:remember, forget, try, stop, go on, stop,regret,, mean後面均可用不定式和-ing形式,但意義截然不容。

例: like doing sth 表經常性動作like to do sth表習慣性動作;

stop doing sth,停止正在做的事情stop to do sth停下來做另外一件事; remember,forget,regret的不定時結構指後於謂語動詞的動作,動詞的ing形式則先於謂語動詞的動作

remember to do/doing:

①I remembered to post the letters.(指未來/過去未來將要做的動作)

②I remembered posting/having posted the letters.(我記得做過這個動作)

try to(努力)與try +–ing(試驗):

①I tried not to go there.(我設法不去那裏)

②I tried doing it again.(我試着又幹了一次);go on to do sth繼續做某事(不是同一件事), go on doing sth繼續做某事(同一件事);


