
男子頭部中彈 打噴嚏將子彈噴出

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According to the Daily Telegraph on January 10, an Italian man who was struck in the head by a stray bullet during New Year's Eve celebrations is recovering after sneezing the projectile out of his nose。

男子頭部中彈 打噴嚏將子彈噴出

Darco Sangermano, 28, was hit in the temple by the 22 calibre bullet while wandering with his girlfriend through Naples - a city in Italy notorious for its rowdy New Year celebrations, often involving firearms and powerful fireworks。

The bullet went through the right side of his head, behind his eye socket and lodged in his nasal passage but miraculously did no serious damage。

Bleeding heavily, he was taken to hospital in an ambulance shortly after midnight, but while waiting to be seen by doctors he sneezed and the bullet shot out of his right nostril. The man from Turin returned to his hometown after being released from hospital。

"The route of the bullet broke his temporal bone, near his temple, and this slowed down the bullet which grazed his eyeball without hitting it directly," said the doctor of the hospital。據英國《每日電訊報》1月10日報道,一名意大利男子日前在慶祝新年的活動上不幸被流彈擊中頭部,令人驚訝的是,他竟將子彈從鼻孔中噴出,很快獲得痊癒。

28歲的達若柯•桑格馬諾是和女友參加在意大利那不勒斯舉行的慶新年大遊行中被一顆22口徑的子彈擊中顳骨,這裏的慶祝活動因時常涉及槍擊和威力強大的煙花而 “臭名昭著”。



醫院的醫生說: “子彈擊中靠近太陽穴的顳骨,使得速度大爲降低,從而避免直接擊中眼球引發更大的傷害”。



