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Making the move from middle management to the executive suite requires a healthy dose of confidence. Executives have to make critical, wide-reaching decisions, often with limited information and time-then persuade others to execute those decisions. Self-assurance is a must.


Yet gaining confidence can be a struggle. The 'Impostor Syndrome' is real: researchers at Georgia State University found that 33% of the high-achieving adults they interviewed did not feel they deserved their success. The Imposter Syndrome meant that sufferers opted out of important career opportunities, to their financial and personal detriment.

然而,獲取自信有時候會很難。“冒名頂替綜合症”(Impostor Syndrome)的確存在:喬治亞州立大學(Georgia State University)的研究者發現,在接受他們採訪的那些成功成年人中,有33%的人感覺自己的成功不是理所應得的。“冒名頂替綜合症”意味着,患者會選擇放棄重要的職業機遇,從而對他們的財務和個人造成傷害。

Women in particular struggle with confidence. They often are less adept at moving forward after setbacks, reading temporary failures as permanent deficiencies, and they often have smaller professional social safety nets than men.


The good news is that confidence can be learned, like any career skill. Here are 10 steps that can have you operating from a place of power:


1. When in doubt, act. It's the difference between running and stagnant water. When you're stagnant, doubt and insecurities breed like mosquitoes. Dale Carnegie wrote that 'inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage.' Fear of failure can paralyze us, as we almost always overestimate the consequences. Build your confidence instead by taking action, often.

1. 猶豫不決時,放手去做。這是流動的活水與一潭死水的區別。當你無所作爲時,懷疑和不安全感會如蚊子一般滋生。戴爾・卡耐基(Dale Carnegie)曾寫過這樣一段話:“無爲滋生疑慮和恐懼。行動孕育自信和勇氣。”對失敗的擔心會讓我們無法行動,因爲我們幾乎總是會將後果估計得過爲嚴重。讓我們通過採取行動來建立自信吧,經常爲之,自信彌堅。

2. Do something outside your comfort zone each day. If we don't stretch our comfort zones, they shrink. Constantly challenge and improve yourself, and you'll become comfortable doing new things-and you will establish your identity (both to yourself and others) as someone who takes risks. Each new thing you try adds to your knowledge and skill base, and provides you with a foundation of competence. This is the bedrock of any successful career.

2. 每天做一些超越自己舒適區的事情。如果我們不主動拓展我們的舒適區,那麼它會變得越來越狹窄。經常挑戰並改善自己,你在接觸新鮮事物時就會變得更自如,而且這樣你將爲自己打造出一個勇於承擔風險的形象(這個形象存在於你自己的心目中,也存在於他人眼中)。每一件你嘗試過的新鮮事物都會爲你的知識和技能基礎庫增添內容,成爲你能力的基礎源泉。這是任何一個成功職業生涯所必備的基石。

3. Put the focus on others. Choose to be conscious of others instead of self-conscious. Ask people questions. Turn conversations into a game where you try to find a connection with the other person. Give compliments generously, and volunteer to help others when you can. Looking for the best in others will help you see it in yourself.

3. 多關心他人。選擇關注他人,而非只關心自己。多向他人提問。將對話變成一場遊戲,你可以從中試圖找到與對方的聯繫。毫不吝嗇地讚美他人,並在力所能及時主動提供幫助。總是去尋找別人的長處,這會幫助你找到自己的優點。

4. Cultivate mentors. Their advice and connections are invaluable, plus you will make better decisions about opportunities thanks to their objective assessments of the pros and cons. And you will be much more willing to take risks knowing you have supporters who will help you get back up on your feet if you fail.

4. 結交良師益友。來自這些人的建議以及與他們的交往是無價之寶,此外,藉助他們對於優缺點的客觀評價,你能夠在機遇面前做出更好的決策。而且,一旦知道自己在摔倒時會有支持者願意伸出援手來拉你一把,你便會更願意承擔風險。

5. Keep self-talk positive. It's hard to feel confident if someone puts you down all the time. It's impossible if that naysayer is you. Watch how you talk to yourself. Is it how you would talk to a friend? If not, then make a change.

5. 同自我對話時,保持積極態度。如果有人總在打擊你,你很難會感到自信。而如果這個打擊者是你自己,那麼實現自信根本是不可能的。小心對待你與自己的對話。你與朋友對話時也會用同樣的方式嗎?如果不是,那麼就改變一下與自己對話的方式吧。

6. Eliminate negative people from your network. You absolutely need to invite and be receptive to constructive criticism if you want to grow as a professional and as an individual. But recognize that some people will never be happy with you or with life, and it is a waste of time to try to convince them of your worth. What's more, their sour outlook on life is contagious. Learn to identify these people quickly, and move on.

6. 將消極者從你的社交網絡中清除。在職業道路以及個人的成長道路中,你絕對需要去主動尋找並虛心接受那些建設性的批評。但是你要認識到,有些人永遠不會對你或是對生活感到滿意,而要說服這些人相信你的價值所在,根本就是在浪費時間。而且這些人對於生活的消極看法是具傳染性的。要學會盡快辨識出這些人,然後繼續走你的路。

7. Take care of your health. Make time for exercise, and get enough rest. Your body must be physically ready to take on challenges.

7. 保重身體。騰出時間來多做運動、充分休息。身體健康,才能接受挑戰。

8. Do your homework. Keep up-to-date on the news in your industry, and know your company and department inside and out. If you have a challenging task ahead, prepare and practice in your mind. Nothing builds confidence like knowledge and preparation.

8. 做好準備功課。隨時瞭解你所在行業的最新資訊,瞭解你所在的公司,以及內部和外部的各個部門。如果你眼前面臨一項具挑戰性的工作,做好準備,並在腦子裏做好演習。沒有什麼比知識和準備能更好地樹立自信了。

9. Watch your body language. Your posture and overall appearance affect both your mental state and how others perceive (and thus respond) to you. If you want to be a leader, you have to dress and act the part. Stand and sit up straight, make eye contact, and remember to smile. Wear the professional clothing of your industry. Eliminate the telltale signs of nervousness: excessive twitching, closed-off posturing (crossed arms and legs, hunched shoulders), and shallow breathing.

9. 注意你的肢體語言。你的姿態和整體外觀會影響到你的精神狀態,也會影響到他人對你的印象(以及對你的迴應方式)。如果你想成爲領導,那麼你必須一言一行都像一位領導。站姿坐姿都保持筆直,要有眼神交流,還有記得微笑。穿你所在行業的職業裝。別做那些會顯示你內心緊張的小動作:過多的扭動、封閉式的姿勢(如雙臂抱胸、翹二郎腿、蜷背等)、以及過淺的呼吸。

10. Practice gratitude daily. In a recent study of how successful people spend the first hour of each day, the No. 1 response was investing time in thinking about the things for which they are most grateful. Starting your day by saying 'thank you' for the good in your life makes it more likely that you will approach the day's challenges with the proper perspective.

10. 每天練習感恩。在最近一項有關成功人士每天第一個小時用來做些什麼的研究中,排在第一位的回答是,將時間用來想那些他們最感激的事情。每天從對那些生命中最美好事物感恩開始,這樣你更有可能會以恰當的視角來看待這一天即將到來的挑戰。

Like public speaking or leadership, confidence is a professional skill that can be improved. According to Dr. Peter Buckley of Georgia Regents University, 'As you add experiences, you're more likely to gain confidence. And with confidence, you will embrace new experiences.' Start growing your confidence today.

正如對公衆演講或是領導能力一樣,自信也是一項可以改善的職業技能。正如喬治亞攝政大學(Georgia Regents University)的彼得・巴克利(Peter Buckley)博士所說,“隨着你經驗的增加,你的自信會越來越強。而自信之人將獲得新的經驗。”從今天開始增強你的自信吧。



