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Step1. Brush and floss regularly to reduce or prevent stains.

Step1. 經常用牙刷和牙線潔牙。

如何美白你的牙齒(雙語圖文) 第2張

Step 2. Try whitening toothpastes. Though heavily advertised, these only partially whiten teeth and don't provide a complete remedy. Make sure the toothpaste has the American Dental Association (ADA) seal of approval and has been clinically proved to whiten teeth effectively. Very few whitening toothpastes have undergone any type of clinical trial, and ones that are too abrasive can damage teeth or make them very sensitive.

Step2. 試試美白牙膏。雖然這類美白牙膏的廣告很多,但它們通常只具備部分的美白功效而沒有提供徹底的美白方案。確保你的牙膏通過了美國牙科協會(ADA)的認證標準,並經臨床證明能夠有效美白牙齒。很少有美白牙膏經過任何形式的臨床試驗,有些美白牙膏摩擦劑含量過多,會傷害你的牙齒或讓你的牙齒變得過分敏感。

如何美白你的牙齒(雙語圖文) 第3張

Step 3. Get regular dental cleanings, which remove many food and tobacco stains. No amount of cleaning will remove the severe staining left by tetracycline or systemic disease because these pigments lie inside the tooth; you'll have to take more aggressive measures against these.

Step3. 定期地洗牙,這能去掉許多食物和菸草的汙漬。不過洗牙次數再多也不能去除由於四環素或系統性疾病導致的牙齒深度著色,因為這些色素已進入你的牙齒內部,你需要採取更加積極地措施來對付它們。

如何美白你的牙齒(雙語圖文) 第4張

Step 4. Consider the two options, in-office and at-home treatments, for bleaching your teeth. A dentist performs in-office treatments by coating the teeth with a bleaching agent, then using periodic flashes of light to activate the solution. Treatments last 30 to 60 minutes, and the complete procedure often requires several appointments. In at-home treatments, patients wear a mouth guard fitted with bleaching gel 2 hours a day for two weeks, depending on the severity of staining.

Step4. 如果要漂白牙齒,考慮一下這兩種選擇:診所治療和家庭治療。所謂診所治療就是牙醫用漂白劑給牙齒塗層,並週期性地用閃光燈來啟動解決方案。這種治療會持續30到60分鐘,完成一整套的程式一般需要多次預約。而採用家庭治療,患者只需連續兩個星期每天戴上塗有漂白凝膠的護齒兩個小時就可以了。具體治療時間取決於牙齒被染色的嚴重程度。

如何美白你的牙齒(雙語圖文) 第5張

Step 5. Think about getting veneers, which are custom-made shells bonded to the teeth with resins. This procedure often requires removing a small amount of tooth structure and is the most invasive, as well as the most expensive, treatment option.

Step5. 或者考慮一下做全瓷牙(近幾年才開展的一種高科技的鑲牙方法。在治療的牙根上做一個內冠,該內冠是一層全瓷的透明支撐骨架,然後在它的外冠面烤上一層與天然牙色澤相近的瓷粉,最後粘結在牙齒上)。這種方法只需要去除一小部分牙體組織,在所有治療方案中,全瓷牙是對人體最無害的,但也是最昂貴的。



