
輕鬆風格的《天蠍》來襲 怪咖來做主

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Procedural crime dramas are CBS’s bread and butter. The network is responsible for developing long-running series like Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Crime Scene Investigation and Criminal Minds. With Scorpion, CBS assembles yet another wisecracking, fast-talking team and charges them with taking on the world’s most clever cyber criminals. The catch this time is our heroes are emotionally stunted geniuses. The end result is a product that’s unintentionally hilarious.

犯罪題材情節系列劇 一直是哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)的立命之本,《海軍罪案調查處》、《犯罪現場調查》、《犯罪心理》等“長壽劇”均出自CBS之手。這次CBS的新劇《又打造了一個口齒伶俐、妙語連珠的團隊(計算機專家沃特•奧布萊恩為首的天蠍團隊),還為他們“配備”了世上最聰明的黑客團隊。這部劇的主角們雖然智商逆天,但情商奇低。結果,一部本來不是喜劇的作品變得搞笑了。

輕鬆風格的《天蠍》來襲 怪咖來做主

Over a tense dinner date we’re introduced to Walter O’Brien (Elyes Gabel), whose stratospheric IQ comes at the expense of a sense of empathy. O’Brien, along with three of his similarly gifted buddies and a random waitress, is recruited to solve the crimes the rest of Homeland Security is apparently too dumb to crack. The team uses their smarts to stop plane crashes, track down a bioterrorist, and thwart bombings.

在一次氣氛緊張的晚餐約會上,我們認識了(本劇的主角)沃特•奧布萊恩(伊萊耶斯•加貝爾 飾):他有著超高智商,但卻也不近人情;我們還認識了男主的三個同樣智商卓越的好友,以及一位普通的女服務員。他們受僱幫助美國國土安全部破案,很明顯,國土安全部實在是太笨了憑藉聰明才智他們成功阻止空難、追捕手握生物武器的恐怖分子並挫敗爆炸計劃。

Sound ridiculous? Well, it is. But the show is so absurd, so blissfully committed in its quest to make tired ideas seem new, that it manages to be an entertaining watch in a tongue-in-cheek sort of way.


You’ve seen this show, in parts, before. Scorpion lifts the most memorable elements from better television you’ve already watched and smashes them all together. O’Brien, our calculating protagonist, is a softened tech-savvy offshoot of Gregory House (from House). He’s Mark Zuckerberg with a badge. His accomplices? They’re basically reworked versions of the characters from The Big Bang Theory. On a whim, the team also employs “normal” waitress Paige Dineen (Katharine McPhee). Dineen provides formulaic emotional guidance to the team, a romantic foil for O’Brien, and occasional motherly reminders that the team can’t function if they don’t eat lunch. To top it all off, the story is slathered in a healthy dose of technical nonsense in typical CBS crime drama fashion.


Scorpion isn’t the most well written show around. Its characters are stock, its dialogue is mechanical, and its story is hard to believe. Most shows wouldn’t hold up in the face of such crippling shortcomings, but by not taking itself too seriously, Scorpion manages to be entertaining despite obvious flaws.




