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Earthquake Toll in Mexico Now 29; Leader Declares Emergency

MEXICO CITY, Jan. 22  President Vicente Fox declared a state of emergency today in Colima, a coastal state hit overnight by a powerful earthquake that rolled across central Mexico from the Pacific Ocean, killing at least 29 people and rattling millions of Mexico City residents.



墨西哥城,1月22日: 總統文森特.福克斯今日宣佈科利馬州實行緊急狀態,該州位於沿海地區,於當晚被一次發生在太平洋(海底)的強烈地震襲擊.這次地震迅速通過墨西哥中部,造成至少29人死亡,並使數百萬的墨西哥城居民陷入恐慌.



本則新聞是有關地震的報導。標題中省略了謂語,完整的句子是 The earthquake toll in Mexico has now risen to 29. 而emergency是a state of emergency(緊急狀態)的省略。

在此,筆者想借此機會介紹一下圍繞地震的有關英語知識。首先,關於地震,可以表達為earthquake,quake,shake,以及shock, tremor,temblor (or tremblor) 最後一詞用於美語中。地震的“震中”,稱為epicentre, 此外這個詞還可用於比喻義,如:

Far from the epicentre of power in Bangkok, grass-roots governance is beginning to flourish. 在遠離曼谷權力中心的地方,平民治理方式正開始盛行。

震後的“餘震”叫做aftershock, 既易懂又好記,是不是? 地震的強度(magnitude )一般按照里氏震級(Richter Scale) 劃分,它是將震級範圍從1到10的一種對數標度,用以表現地震放出的能量總數,是根據美國地震學家Charles Francis Richter 命名的。下面請看兩個例子:

The Seismology Research Centre says the earthquake measured 3.8 on the Richter Scale with an epicentre about 80 kilometres south-west of Sydney. 地震研究中心稱這次地震的震級為里氏3.8級,震中位於悉尼西南80公里處。

The tremor was placed at 5.6 on the Ricther scale. 地震的震級被測定為里氏5.6級。

那麼,發生了地震,該如何說呢?地震多屬於突發事件,來勢猛烈,去的也快,因此,英語中描述地震的動詞也多具有這樣的特點。本文中第一段用了hit 和roll across兩個詞。roll,表示“波動起伏地前進”。在接下的文字中,還用了strike, 原文是這樣說的: The quake struck at 8:07 p.m.此外,還可以用 shake, jolt, rock, rip through(迅速或猛烈地移動)等等。請看下面:

It took only minutes on Saturday June 23rd for a powerful 8.1 earthquake to rip through southern Peru...... 在六月二十三日星期六,一次強烈的8.1級地震只用了幾分鐘時間就波及祕魯南部(全境)…… (祕魯的國土以狹長著稱)

地震之所以可怕,除了其來勢迅猛,猝不及防外,還因為它往往破壞力驚人。英語中,描述其破壞力的詞,按由輕到重的次序大致有damage, destroy, shatter, devastate, level, flatten等等。我們來看一個破壞嚴重的例子:

The quake leveled entire towns, flattening the simple adobe, brick structures and leaving nothing but rubble.  地震夷平了整個城鎮,摧毀了簡易土坯房和磚結構建築,在受災區只留下一片廢墟。

看新聞學地道地震詞彙 第2張

大地震總要造成人員傷亡。如何表述地震中的人員傷亡呢? 象本則新聞標題那樣用toll 這個詞,是一種常見的說法。此外,還有許多其他方式,比如claim, 例如:

The quake has claimed more than 15,000 lives.


At least 64 people were killed and more than 2,000 were injured in the quake.


The largest number of deaths appeared to be in a neighborhood called Las Colinas in Santa Tecla.

發生地震後,就要立即展開營救行動(rescue effort) 以及救濟工作(relief). 在營救現場,會有crane(吊車), bulldozer(推土機),truck(卡車 )等大型機械在工作,但由於還有生死不明的人被埋在廢墟下面,為避免傷及可能的倖存者,人們往往只能用鐵鍬(spade),撬棒(crowbar),甚至徒手(bare hands)來搜救倖存者,如果條件好會有救援犬(rescue dog)的協助。 請看例句:

Relief crews were clawing through debris to rescue potential survivors with their bare hands and small tools.

震後倖存下來的人是幸運的,可是他們還要面臨如何解決食物(food)、清潔飲水(purefied water)、禦寒衣物(clothings and blankets)和臨時住所(temporary shelters),藥品(medicine)等棘手問題,這些也是救災工作的重點。請看下面句子:

International organizations have also rushed relief supplies and medical personnel to Gujarat.


Aid continues to pour into the devastated country.


與此同時,醫護人員(medical staff) 還要在災區建立臨時醫院(converted hospital)或臨時門診部(improvised out-patient department) 來救護傷員。當然還要有警察來維持秩序(law and order)以及專家來調查評估(survey, assess)地震造成的損失(damage,loss).

最終,經過幾天的營救工作後,工作的重點要由救援(rescue)過渡(shift to)到恢復和重建(rehabilitation and reconstruction)上來。例如:

Since May, UNICEF(United Nations Children's Emergency Fund ) has shifted its focus from relief to rehabilitation in earthquake-affected areas.




