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好多烤鸭们一直对雅思口语抱着一种误解,以为好的英语口语就是好的中文口语的翻译,所以在口语课堂上,经常听到有同学在很纠结地讲着“形而上”的英文——很抽象,很哲学。讲到最后把自己和听众们都搞得云山雾罩,不明白为什么自己的中文呱呱叫,换了英文就把老外给讲得眉头紧锁。事实上,考官欣赏的英文是“形而下”——很具体,很生活才对。也就是说,跟雅思考官展示“交流能力”,靠的不是不着边际的高谈阔论,而是要有实实在在的内容,也就是必不可少的small details(具体细节)。接下来,专家就将介绍一下如何在考试的三个part中使用small details把问题答得通透明白。


Part 1:Introduction & Interview


Do you like sports?

Do you like art?

Do you like cooking?

Do you like to watch TV?


Yes,l do.




what type of sport or art or music or TV programs you like

when you do something

how long you have liked it

how often you do something

who you do it with

why you like it



Yes,I do.

(what type) I’m really into basketball.

(when & how long) I’ve been playing it for many years since I was in middle school,

(who & how often) and I enjoy playing it with my friends at weekends.

(why) In fact, It’s always the best way for me to relax after a whole week’s studying…


Where do you come from?

I’m from a small village in the mountains – (where) a long way from the capital city of my country.

How do you normally get to college in the morning?

I take the train to Central Station and then I catch the express bus – (how long) it takes about an hour altogether.

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

No – I’m the only child. (who) I have ten cousins that I grew up with, so I didn’t feel lonely.

Part 2:Topic Card


Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

You should say:

where you met them

what subject they taught

what was special about them

and explain why this person influenced you so much.


Where you met them——I met him at my high school

What subject they thought——he taught me maths


我们都知道要想在考试当中顺利完成part 2,时间限制是第一道关卡,考官会严格遵守时间限制。如果考生无法完成2分钟左右的陈述,可能就会跟考官有一段时间尴尬的“僵持”,那么一定会严重影响part2的得分。而卡片当中每条思路展开不够,便是达不到这一要求的罪魁祸首。那么在part 2当中更应该注意补充small details。


Where you met them——

(when):I remember it was the first of my junior high school

(who): that I met my teacher Mr. Wang,

(how long):and he had been teaching us for the next 3 years…

What subject they thought——

(what):   He taught us maths in the first year of middle school. 

(how I feel):Well, I have to say that, before I had Mr. Chen as my teacher, maths had always been so boring and difficult to me that I always slept during class, it was my nightmare, you know.  And I guess that is why I didn’t like him at the beginning…


Describe a library that you have used.

You should say:

where it was

what type of library it was

what you used the library for

what you liked and /or disliked about this library

and explain how useful it was for your studies or research.

(Where):It was next to our teaching building of English Department

(When): It was built 50 years ago when our school was established.

(Who) : Most of the students liked to go there as well as the teachers

(How often): I almost went there everyday especially around exam time.

Part 3:Further Discussion


What do you think are the benefits of keeping animals in a zoo?


I believe there are a number of good reasons for keeping animals in a zoo. One is that you can see different animals. And zoos are really great for different people.


Part 3是与考官“斗智斗勇”的最后一个环节,“further discussion”意味着我们要做好准备随时迎接考官的“难题”,而且如果你的回答不合逻辑,模棱两可,不能说服考官的话,就会面临更加苛刻的问题,或者就会被考官认为表达能力欠佳而得到低分。刚才的“低分答案”就是这样的一个例子,结构还算清楚,但是回答中的两个“different”,有些太抽象,估计把考官听的有点晕了。建议考生应该给出更加具体的说明,这样才能让考官心服口服。


I believe there are a number of good reasons for keeping animals in a zoo. 

(what)One is that you can see animals such as lions and tigers, or kangaroos which you wouldn’t normally see. Well, not where I come from, anyway.

(who)And zoos are really great for children, ‘cos they can have the chance to see unusual animals.


In china, when will people send the present?

In china, firstly, people send gifts on special holidays, (what)such as in Spring Festival.  (who)We give our parents money, clothes, etc. Or we give our children red bags with some money, (why)which means that we give them a next year’s good luck.

Are there some old buildings in your hometown?

Yes, there is. (what & when)It is Wenfeng Tower, built in 1420.(where) It is located in the southern of Anyang city. (how it was important)During the Ming and Qing dynasties, people came to the tower to worship the God of Heaven and pray for a good harvest.

通过以上的实例,希望大家能充分意识到“形而下”在口语表达中的的重要性,通过small details,“大事化小”,提高口语表达能力。



