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1. He is a man of great ____________. 他是位能力很强的人。

2. They just returned from ____________. 他们刚从国外回来。

3. Three members of the class were ____________ from school this morning. 今天早晨该班有三人缺席。

4. Judging by her ____________, she must be a Southerner. 从她的口音判断, 她准是南方人。

5. I only found it by ____________. 我只是碰巧找到的

6. They divided themselves into three groups____________ to age. 他们按年龄分成三组。

7. The policeman gave an ____________ of the traffic accident. 警察叙述了交通事故的经过。

8. The actor ____________ fame when he was only nineteen. 那位演员十九岁时就成名了。

9. The school offers many recreational ____________ for the students. 该校为学生提供了很多娱乐活动。

10. The ____________ cost was much higher than we had expected. 实际成本比我们预料的高得多.

11. ____________ helps to sell goods.

12. I ____________ him for his success in business. 我佩服他事业有成.

13. ____________ to British universities depends on examination results. 英国大学入学以考试成绩为凭

14. He ____________ having stolen the car.

15. In this sense, children and ______ have equal rights.

16. We have greatly ____________ in English. 我们在英语方面大有长进。

17. They took full ____________ of the hotel's facilities. 他们充分利用旅馆的设备.

18. He is a man full of ____________. 他是一个充满冒险精神的人。

19. I ____________ against their doing it. 我劝他们不要做这件事。

20. The change in climate may____________ your health. 气候的变化可能影响你的健康.

21. They walked because they couldn't ____________ to take a taxi. 他们因为坐不起计程车而步行.

22. That country was guilty of ____________. 那个国家犯了侵略罪。

23. My parents are in ____________ on what color to paint the house.


24. Vegetables are ____________ products.

25. My brother ____________ to be a novelist. 我兄弟立志当小说家。

26. The doorkeeper gave the ____________ as soon as he saw the smoke. 守门人一看见冒烟就发出警报。

27. Passengers are not ____________ to smoke.

28. ____________ he was ill, he worked hard.

29. You owe me $ 68.03 ____________. 你一共欠我68.03美元.

30. He ____________ everyone by passing his driving test. 他驾驶考试合格使大家很惊奇.

31. He was taken by ____________ to the nearest hospital.

32. The hotel offers its guests a wide variety of ____________. 这个旅馆为住客提供各种各样的娱乐活动.

33. We were impressed by the ruins of an ____________ building. 我们对一处古建筑废墟印象颇深。

34. The abacus is the ____________ of the modern computer.

35. An ____________ will be made next week. 下周将有一个通告发布。

36. The mosquitoes ____________ me so much that I couldn't sleep. 蚊子搅得我无法入睡.

37. I am very ____________ about my son's health. 我非常担心儿子的健康.

38. It may snow, but ____________ I will go to town. 可能下雪, 但我无论如何要进城。

39. I made an ____________ to my manager and left early. 我向经理道过歉后提早离去.

40. The sudden ____________ of a policeman caused the thief to run away. 警察突然出现, 小偷就逃跑了.

41. We received 400 ____________ for the job.

42. I have an ____________ with them in the evening. 今晚我与他们有个约会。

43. They deeply ____________ his kindness. 他们对他的好意深表感谢。

44. She was born in ____________. 她是四月出生的.

e is a parking ____________ over there. 那儿有一个停车场。

  高三英语单词过关检测 (二)

1. the ______________ 大西洋

2. Constable was a great English___________. 康斯太布尔是伟大的英国画家.

3. We waited for the ___________ of our guests. 我们等著客人的到来。

4. He shot an ___________ at the hare. 他对准野兔射了一箭。

5. He has written an ___________ for the magazine. 他已给该刊撰写了一篇文章。

6. The _______________ of the city is very much polluted.那个城市的空气受到严重污染。

7. She was ___________ of having failed in the examination. 她因考试不及格而感到羞愧。

8. China is an ___________ country. 中国是个亚洲国家。

9. We had an ____________ about politics. 我们就政治展开了争论。

10. She will ____________ to beat the world record. 她决心要打破世界纪录.

11. The news _____________ everyone. 这消息使大家感到惊讶.

12. _____________ is one of my favorite subjects. 天文学.

13. The _________ won two gold medals in the Olympics.这位运动员在奥林匹克运动会上获得两块金牌。

14. We have already made _______________ for our vacation. 我们已经为假期作了安排。

15. He worked as an ___________ to the President. 他当过总统助理。

16. He was born in _____________. 8月

17. They decided to­ ___________ at night. 他们决定夜晚进攻.

18. Listen ___________ to the speaker. 专心地听演讲人的话

19. She shows a very positive ___________ to her work. 她工作态度非常积极.

20. These toys are a real ___________ at such low prices.这些玩具的价格这么便宜, 真划得来。

21. He is the first ___________ to walk on the moon.他是第一位在月球漫步的太空人。

22. The ___________ enjoyed every minute of the performance.观众自始至终欣赏这次演出。

23. He is from ___________.澳洲

24. My car ___________ has run down. 我汽车上的电池用完了。

25. The ground is covered with leaves in _____________. 秋天

26. The ___________ age of the students is 19. 学生的平均年龄是19岁.

27. They all ___________ mentioning that name. 他们都避免提及那名字。

28. Vocabulary is ___________ to English learners. 词汇对于英语学习者来说是基本的。

29. The offer is very ___________ to us. 这一出价对我们具有很大吸引力。

30. Playing ___________ is good for our body. 羽毛球

31. Passengers checked their ___________ before boarding the plane. 旅客上飞机前托运了行李。

32. Try to ___________ your diet by eating more fruit and less meat. 尽量多吃水果少吃肉, 均衡饮食.

33. I think you need to see a doctor for your ___________.我想你的腰痛需要看医生。

34. They are vacationing at the ___________.他们正在海滨度假。

35. Our dog always ___________ at strangers. 我们的狗一见生人就叫.

36. ___________ is very popular among Americans. 棒球运动很受美国人的欢迎。

37. Schools have ___________ the use of cell phones. 学校已经禁止使用手机.

38. He was shot to death in a gun ___________. 他在枪战中被击毙。

39. We'll have a ___________ this Friday. 烤肉野餐。

点击下页查看更多高中英语单词过关检测答案  高中英语单词过关检测答案(一)

1. ability

2. abroad

3. absent

4. accent

5. accident

6. according

7. account

8. achieved

9. activities

10. actual

11. Advertisement

12. admire

13. Admission

14. admitted

15. adults

16. advanced

17. advantage

18. adventure

19. advised

20. affect

21. afford

22. aggression

23. agreement

24. agricultural

25. aims

26. alarm

27. allowed

28. Although

29. altogether

30. amazed

31. ambulance

32. amusements

33. ancient

34. ancestor

35. announcement

36. annoyed

37. anxious

38. anyhow

39. apology

40. appearance

41. applications

42. appointment

43. appreciated

44. April.

45. area


1. Atlantic

2. artist

3. arrival

4. arrow

5. article

6. atmosphere

7. ashamed

8. Asian

9. argument

10. attempt

11. astonished

12. astronomy

13. athlete

14. arrangements

15. assistant

16. August

17. attack

18. ntively

19. attitude

20. bargain

21. astronaut

22. audience

23. Australia

24. battery

25. autumn

26. average

27. avoid/-ed

28. basic

29. attractive

30. badminton

31. baggage

32. balance

33. backache

34. beach

35. barks

36. baseball

37. banned

38. battle

39. barbecue










