
狂妄憂鬱男更性感 微笑男不討女人愛

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Women find happy men significantly less sexually attractive than those who swagger or brood, researchers said today. They are least attracted to smiling men, instead preferring those who looked proud and powerful, or moody and ashamed, according to a study. In contrast, men are most sexually attracted to women who look happy, and least attracted to those who appear proud and confident. Just spotted a miserable man: Women are least attracted to smiling men, instead preferring those who looked proud and powerful, or moody and ashamed


狂妄憂鬱男更性感 微笑男不討女人愛

The University Of British Columbia study, which is the first to report a significant gender difference in the attractiveness of smiles, helps explain the enduring allure of 'bad boys' and other iconic gender stereotypes. It is also the first study to investigate the attractiveness of displays of pride and shame. Lead researcher Professor Jessica Tracy said: 'While showing a happy face is considered essential to friendly social interactions, including those involving sexual attraction - few studies have actually examined whether a smile is, in fact, attractive. 'This study finds that men and women respond very differently to displays of emotion, including smiles.'

據悉,這次人類首次基於“笑容的吸引力”,在兩性之間做一個探討實驗。這項研究也間接證明了為什麼那些“壞男孩”竟然能更受到女生們花痴般的目光,正所謂“男人不壞,女人不愛”的古語,這一回,算是得到了科學上的驗證。此外,牽頭本次實驗的教授Jessica Tracy 補充到:“雖然社交禮儀普遍認為‘微笑’是兩性之間交往的必備準則,而微笑到底有多大的魅力呢?我們用實驗證明了微笑在男人和女人之間會有不一樣的化學效果。”

More than 1,000 adult participants rated the sexual attractiveness of hundreds of images of the opposite sex. These photos included universal displays of happiness (broad smiles), pride (raised heads, puffed-up chests) and shame (lowered heads, averted eyes). The researchers found that women were least attracted to smiling, happy men - in contrast to men, who were most attracted to women who looked happy. Overall, the researchers said, men rank women more attractive than women rank men. Study co-author Alec Beall said: 'It is important to remember that this study explored first-impressions of sexual attraction to images of the opposite sex. 'We were not asking participants if they thought these targets would make a good boyfriend or wife - we wanted their gut reactions on carnal, sexual attraction.'

在針對1000名成年人進行的實驗中,被實驗者被要求翻閲上百張異性照片。有意思的是,研究者發現女性對那些擁有着“燦爛笑容”的男士們一點都不感冒,反而對那些趾高氣昂甚至略顯憂鬱的男士情有獨鍾。與之相反,男士們則偏愛那些擁有着“燦爛笑容”的女士們,那些照片上看起來開心的女性受到了男士們的喜愛。研究人員 Alec Beall 説:“這項實驗對於我們研究兩性之間的第一印象特別重要,我們其實並不要求實驗者抱着照片中的人必須是自己的女友或者老公的心態去選擇,但是實驗的結果也間接證明了兩性之間神祕的吸引力與微笑之間的關係。”



