
想進高大上外企,不會寫cover letter怎麼行?這篇滿分寫作指南一定要看

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 現在正是一年求職季,這時候的招聘市場正紅火。 要是你以為一封簡歷就能走遍天下,那就太幼稚了。 如今,很多大企業,特別是外企,可不僅僅看簡歷了,他們往往還會要求附上一封叫做 cover letter 的東西。 於是,很多人第一次聽到,就懵逼了,到底什麼是 cover letter 呢? 1 Cover Letter是什麼?  Cover Letter 就是我們説的求職信,一般用於外企求職。 對於外企來説,個人簡歷(resume/CV)只是一個人的名片,而求職信就是一封長書信,讓求職者向公司充分展示自己,表達個人想法。 2 Cover Letter有什麼用? Cover Letter 是外企招聘裏必不可少的一環,它是HR瞭解深入瞭解應聘者的重要途徑。  Cover letter 主要考驗一個人的外語能力和邏輯能力,相當於“自我推薦書”,主要作用是: 1) Introduce yourself to the hiring manager
向招聘經理介紹自己 2)Argue why you’d be a good fit for the job
解釋為什麼你適合這個職位 3)Fill in places your resume cannot describe
簡歷上沒法描述的部分,求職信中加以補充 4)Further explain other aspects of your resume
詳細解釋簡歷 3 看範文,學寫作技巧 如果你沒有接觸過Cover letter,對於整個行文風格和方式不太瞭解, 那麼,我們先來看看一個規範的範文↓↓ 【開頭交代個人信息,方便HR之後聯繫你】
 Your Name:XXX
Your Address: XXX
Your City, State, Zip Code
Your Phone Number:XXX
Your Email:XXX Dear Mr./Mrs./Ms Smith,
尊敬的史密斯先生/女士: 【表明求職意向,附上獲得招聘消息的時間,地點,信息來源】

Kindly accept this application from a highly enthusiastic, motivated, and knowledgeable professional who wishes to apply for your Marketing Manager vacancy.

想進高大上外企,不會寫cover letter怎麼行?這篇滿分寫作指南一定要看



I can bring to your company real life experience leading multi-disciplinary teams in delivering actionable solutions in the form of marketing reports, overall campaign effectiveness, customer analytics, segmentation, and insights.


 【你現在所處的狀況如何? (學歷,經驗,和學識)】 

Currently working with YYY as a Business Consultant, I have successfully increased sales from $8000 to $25000 in ten months. I’m fiercely competitive in my approach to acquire business, and can handle complex situations from both a strategic and a tactical perspective. As a Digital Marketing Expert, I increased followers on social media by 150% resulting and grew the overall sales by $45000.



Additionally, I am able to identify, exploit, take advantage of, and fully develop any marketing opportunity that comes my way. With my previous employer – AAA, I constantly exceeded all goals set for me, and was valued for my ability to deal with complex situations by coming up with unique and fresh solutions. I was responsible for managing sales projects, implementing cost-saving programs, and forging enduring relationships with local organizations.



I have an extensive experience of over 6 years in this sector and now am very keen to join your company because you are able to offer applicants an array of impeccable career opportunities and growth opportunities. I possess excellent management skills including client relationships, negotiating, resolving disputes and critical thinking. I would be grateful for the opportunity to showcase my abilities further at a personal interview. Please feel free to communicate with me.


Jessie Zhang          
4 Cover Letter 寫作經典句型
 1. 開門見山表意願 

I am writing to express my interest in the sales manager position advertised on your website. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review.


 2.誇自己的金句  HR最喜歡招積極,樂觀,有想法,有進取心的員工, 所以學會大膽誇獎自己能力和性格吧! 誇自己常用詞彙:1)形容詞:entrepreneurial, passionate, energetic,logical,optimistic,qualified,outstanding, insightful,seasoned,resourceful2)動詞:facilitate,develope,enhance,monitor, excel,exceed 1)金典句式包裝自己 

During my three years in AAA, I’ve been credited with yearly savings in the $50,000 to $75,000 range. This resulted from a combination of skillful negotiation and replacing underperforming vendors.



I also bring to the table strong computer proficiencies in MS Word, MS Excel and CRM database applications.

我電腦軟件操作也很熟練,能流暢使用word, Excel, CRM數據系統。

  2) 活用fusion一詞,展示覆合型本領和才能 

My fusion of social science background and analytical thinking connects all parties involved in the event with friendly, clear communication while everyone knows what they need to do and who is responsible for what.


 3) 學會建立個人功勞簿 

Over the last 10 years, I’ve built my career on one simple principle: Work smarter. I’m the person who looks for efficient procedures, finds ways to streamline them, and consistently strives to boost the productivity of everyone around me.



It’s what’s earned me three promotions in the supply chain department at my current company, and it’s what I know I can do as the new operations analyst.


 4) as 萬能句型  

As an analytical project manager, I excel at extracting data to understand where we should focus in our business.



As an event coordinator for Company X, I ensure seamless communication and marketing between all involved parties


 3. 如何和HR“陶瓷”?  

Accustomed to doing more with fewer resources, I can help your firm ride out a financial storm in a tight economy. After meeting with me and assessing my ability to run a tight ship that sails upright, you may decide you can’t afford not to hire me.


 cover letter中不一定都要是純粹的商業語言,有些文學色彩的句式,就好像綠葉叢中一點紅花,讓人看到你內心有趣的靈魂。  比如這裏的the ability to ruan a tight ship that sails upright,就用了一個暗喻句,將管理企業比作 run a ship,而所用的tight ship一詞也顯示出不錯的詞彙量,tight ship 指的是管理良好的企業、模範企業。 以上就是今天的Cover letter寫作大全了,希望對你有所幫助! (本文首發於滬江商務英語公眾號,掃碼關注,即可獲取更多商務英語資訊。轉載請“滬江商務英語”後台聯繫!)



