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How to Improve Your English-Speaking Skills


Build a strong Foundation


In order to express yourself eloquently in English, you need a wide variety of vocabulary and the correct pronunciation.


1. Expand your vocabulary



Learn New Words Every Day



Gleaning new words day in, day out is a good way to widen your vocabulary. Commit to a suitable target: it can be three daily words or it can be ten daily words.



Even if you only have time to learn one new word per day, it is still worth trying. By learning one word every day, after one year you will have learned 365 new English words.



Write the number down to remind yourself frequently. If you have a learning partner, share it with her so that she can check on your progress.



Some good resources for words are the news, songs and TV shows, depending on your daily habits. If you love listening to music, pay attention to the lyrics and take note of the words you do not know. Songs often contain a lot of useful vocabulary, phrases and expressions, therefore, they are great for learning English. You can do the same thing with FluentU videos.



2 Learn Words in Phrases and Chunks



It is important that you learn words in groups. For example, you refer to beverages as a glass of wine, a pint of beer, a cup of tea, a pot of coffee, etc. It is better to learn those phrases than merely wine, beer, tea and so on.



You can also benefit from learning words that are related. The moon has four phases during a lunar month: crescent, gibbon, waxing and waning. It is more efficient to learn all four words at the same time.



3. Improve your pronunciation



You might know a lot of words, but if you fail to say them correctly, you will not be understood. That seems like a waste of the time spent on remembering words, right?



When using onLine dictionaries such as Macmillan and Merriam-Webster, make use of the little speaker symbol to check the pronunciation of any word that you are not sure about. There are English pronunciation tutorials on YouTube to teach you the many aspects of American English pronunciation.



When you are ready for something more challenging, try out tongue twisters.



4. Learn the natural flow of English



Being able to say individual words correctly is great, but the secret of speaking fluently lies in the flow of sentences. Whenever you read a piece of poetry, listen to a melodic song or watch a hilarious sitcom, pay attention to the following:



Linking. Notice how native speakers link words together: joining two sounds, making a sound to disappear or changing a sound for a better flow.



Contractions. Contractions are shortened forms of two words. For example:



I + am = I’m


he + will = he’ll


they + have = they’ve


do + not = don’t


Stress. There are stressed syllables in a word and stressed words in a sentence.



Rhythm. The rhythm is the overall result of stress, contractions and linking. It is the ups and downs, the musical feature of English.



5. Self-talk



Talk to yourself in English loudly. It can be anything from a suggestion like, “Shall we go get a glass of water?” or a reminder, “I need to do a load of laundry today.”



Alternatively, pick up a book and read a couple of pages out loud. This exercise might slow down your reading, but it will speed up your speaking skills.



You can also record yourself, listen to the recording and watch out for any wrong pronunciations. If it is possible, ask for feedback from a native speaker.



6. Think in English



If you already think in English, it takes less time to produce or respond in everyday conversations. No translation needed!



A good way to start rethinking is to keep a diary where you express your daily thoughts in English. It does not have to be perfect, it is more about getting out thoughts in English with less and less effort.



7. Retell a story in English



Take the challenge a step further by retelling a story. You retrace other people’s line of thoughts in your own words.



I would start with a familiar story from your culture. Your translation needs to convey not only the meaning of words but all rhetorical and cultural nuances.



Alternatively, you can choose different words to retell a simple story in English. Start from the basics, reading something like a fairy tale or a fable. Either way will be beneficial to your English communication skills.



8. Participate in public speaking events



Big universities, theaters and culture societies organize events like open debates, spoken word readings and improvised storytelling gatherings. These are places where you can come and mingle with like-minded people and practice speaking English.



Many cities are now hosting TED where you can register to participate and share your innovative ideas. Check the events page of your local university to see if there are any available. It might be a nerve-racking experience, but it would be great for your English!



9. Go to language cafes



If public speaking terrifies you (and I know it does for many), you can opt for language cafes. Those cafes create a friendly and relaxing atmosphere for people who want to practice and exchange languages.



10. Using apps



Another option is to use an app to talk to native speakers online. Some popular apps are HelloTalk, Tandem, WeSpeke. Basically, you register for an account, introduce yourself, your native language and your hobbies. The app will find you some matches—the people who speak English and want to practice the language you know well. All you need to do is to press a few buttons and start talking.

還有一個選擇就是,用一款app在線與本族語使用者交流。一些受歡迎的app有HelloTalk, Tandem, WeSpeke。基本而言,你需要先註冊一個賬户,介紹你自己,你的本族語和愛好。那麼這款app便會為你找到一些匹配 — 説英語的人想要練習你所知道的語言。你要做的就是按下幾個按鈕並且開始講話。


11. Chat with Siri



I find chatting with Siri is a great way to force myself to speak more clearly. As Siri is a machine, you cannot rely on environmental clues and facial gestures to get your ideas across. Your words are the only tool you have to make yourself understood. Thus, you need to speak as clearly and precisely as you could.



Another plus point of using Siri is that she is always available (as long as your phone is charged and connected to a WiFi network). Just press the home button and start asking questions.



If you own an Android smartphone, you can practice speaking with Google Now.

如果你是用的是Android智能手機,你可以和Google Now練習説英語。


So, off you go! Choose your preferred method to expand your vocabulary, correct your pronunciation, and boost your English speaking with the methods that are right for you. Do not forget to practice as much as possible.




