
孩子是否該帶手機去學校 Whether Should Children be Allowed to Bring Cell phones to School

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Recently, there was a heated discussion over children's education. The question under debate is that whether children should be allowed to bring cell phones to school. When asked about this, options are divided. For the supporters, they think that they can keep in touch with their kids so that they can exactly know what happens to them. And if there is anything bad occurs they could give their kids guidance at the first time.

孩子是否該帶手機去學校 Whether Should Children be Allowed to Bring Cell phones to School
最近有一個關於孩子教育的爭論,爭論的話題是應不應該允許孩子帶手機去學校。當被問到這個問題的時候,不同的人有不同的觀點。對於支持者來說。他們認爲讓孩子帶手機,就可以隨時跟孩子保持聯絡從而確切的知道孩子身邊發生了什麼。並且,如果有任何不好的事情發生,他們可以在第一時間給孩子提供指導。When my eyes caught this topic, my mind began its search for the better one. Although cell phones have played an increasing important role in our common life, which brings us a lot of benefits, I do not think it's wise to allow our kids to bring cell phones. First of all, the cell phones equipped with many entertainments will become a time-killer. Kids will spend their precious time in playing games instead of studying. And then what's worse, there may also be phenomenon of life comparison among children which will do great harm to them. Last but equally important is that radiations from mobile phone which may have a detrimental effect on children's body health.當我看到這個話題的時候,腦海中就立刻開始判斷哪種想法更好。儘管手機在我們的生活中已經扮演越來越重要的角色,給我們生活帶來很大便利,但我還是認爲讓孩子帶手機並不是一個明智的選擇。首先,那些有着很多娛樂功能的手機會成爲孩子們的時間殺手,使得孩子把那些本該花在學習上的時間花在打遊戲上。更糟糕的還有,這有可能在孩子們當中產生攀比的現象,會對孩子造成很大的危害。同樣重要的是,來自手機的輻射有可能會對孩子的健康產生不好的影響。Taking all these into consideration, we can reach the conclusion easily that children should not be allowed to bring cell phones to school.在考慮這些缺點之後,我們可以很容易的得出結論,不應該允許孩子帶手機到學校。


