
小貝忍痛6小時 性感胸部再添新紋身

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There will be little uncovered skin left on his body at the rate he is going. But David Beckham has indulged in his tattoo obsession once again by getting a secret tattoo on his chest. The 35-year-old football legend took to Facebook to tell fans about his new artwork and posted a picture of himself under the needle。

小貝忍痛6小時 性感胸部再添新紋身

“萬人迷”貝克漢姆癡迷紋身是衆所皆知的事實,雖然,全身上下早已佈滿紋身,小貝仍然有能力在身上找出空白處秀上新紋身。據悉,貝克漢姆在出席 BBC年度體壇風雲人物頒獎禮,爲了慶祝榮獲終身成就獎,又在胸口處秀上了一個新紋身。35歲的小貝爲了與粉絲們分享這一令人喜悅的時刻,十分自戀地將紋身過程的照片放上自己的facebook供粉絲欣賞。照片中,小貝對紋身的針頭絲毫沒有畏懼之感,坦然自若的態度讓人堅信他的確是一個100%的“紋身控”。

And when David commits to a new bit of body art he doesn’t do things half-heartedly and he was sat in the artists chair for six hours. The LA Galaxy star posted: ‘I want to let you all in on something. Just had a new tattoo done by the legendary Mark Mahoney. Took six hours!’Beckham claimed that he was keeping tattoos confined to his arms and back because his mum doesn’t like them。

據悉,紋身的具體圖案尚不得知,然而小貝爲了它“一動不動”坐在椅子上長達6小時。在微薄上,這位目前效力於洛杉磯銀河隊的大明星難掩內心激動之情,他說:“我就是想告訴你們,我今天花了整整6小時去整了個新紋身,而且是由紋身大師Mark Mahoney親自操刀的。”因爲小貝的母親不喜歡紋身,孝順的小貝還“特意”找了個隱祕位置秀紋身(應該是維多利亞反對的胸部位置)。據悉,這個新紋身的具體位置是在小貝的左臂、靠背處,比較難發現。

Speaking to NBC’s Today’s Show in October he said: 'I’m a big fan of tattoos - each one has a meaning. Maybe I’ll have more but my mum will kill me。



