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Rental lovers for family gatherings

導讀:年關將至,租友風潮(rent a girlfriend)再度盛行。單身男女紛紛網上發帖高薪租賃異性朋友,帶回家應付盼兒女成家心切的父母們。就讓我們一起看看這些應對春節的難關的奇招吧!

Money can`t buy you love, but it can let you rent a girlfriend to take home for Chinese New Year.

It seems modern Chinese parents still make old-world demands on their adult offspring to hurry up and marry and produce offspring. The pressure is greater in rural areas than it is in urban cities.

So, the pressure is on to arrive home for the holiday with a girlfriend in tow. I say girlfriend because, statistically, marriageable-age men now outnumber women of that age here.

For much of the past decade, the media each year has reported on who rents girlfriends, how much it costs to rent a girlfriend and how they carry off their holiday-only charades in small towns and big cities across the country.

There was the story about the fake girlfriend who refused to return the money from "red envelope" gifts handed out at a Chinese New Year party in Zhengzhou. The police broke up their argument and persuaded the couple to split the money.

There was the story about an engineer in Shanghai who rented a girlfriend, but whose parents found out at the family reunion. There was the story from Changsha about a "girlfriend" who kept forgetting her lines, to the consternation of the young man who had hired her and trained her what to say to his parents.

One fellow told the media he attracted 400 applicants in three days when he advertised on his Internet blog for a girl to take home to Xuzhou. Daily pay rates, according to a variety of media reports, can range from 80 yuan to 3,000 yuan.

There are professional men in their 20s and 30s who tell the media they`re too busy to find a real girlfriend, or who can`t afford a girlfriend because they just graduated from college. Other young men in search of a fake girlfriend tell the media they just broke up with their real girlfriend and haven`t found a replacement in time, or that their real girlfriends refused to go home with them to meet the parents. One young man told the media he`s gay, but isn`t ready to tell his family yet.

If I were a Chinese mom I might say, "Welcome home, dear. Is this your real girlfriend or your fake girlfriend" when your son arrives home with a good-looking girlfriend of just the right age who has the perfect answers for all the anticipated questions.

If I were a Chinese mother, I might say, "Dear, I`d like a 50-50 share of the fee you paid your fake girlfriend, because I`m the one who also has to pretend she`s real in front of your father, uncles and cousins."

I`m a mom, too, and I suspect that our lie-detector skills are universal. We start by learning what our babies` faces look like when they need to burp. After more than 20 or 30 years of practice, most of us have come to know what our children`s faces look like when they tell a lie.

But then, there`s dad. This is the 21st century, and the whole world has changed. No one expects young people in a tough global economy with a high cost of living to find a mate and get married right away.

Isn`t it time to tell fathers the truth about fake girlfriends and mothers who pretend to believe it? I suspect I might say, "No, not this year."



offspring 子孫

in tow 一起

outnumber 數目超過

red envelope 紅包,壓歲錢

lines 臺詞

consternation 驚慌失措

gay 同性戀

lie-detector 測謊

burp 打嗝

mate 配偶



