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There is hope for those abused women who fear leaving their violent partners because they have become financially dependant on them. A recent study has found that 90% of women in similar situations were able to leave their abusive partners and become financially sufficient afterwards. The findings were based on a survey insurance company, 1st for Women, conducted through their foundation, which interviewed 100 domestic abuse survivors.

對於那些由於經濟不獨立而害怕離開她們家暴老公的被施虐女性而言,希望來了。最近的一項研究發現:處於相似境況的女性,90%的人能離開她們暴力的伴侶,並且之後能經濟獨立。研究結果是基於調查一家保險公司1st for Women得出的,這家保險公司採訪了100位家暴倖存者。

The results coincide with the Department of Justice estimates that one out of every four South African women are survivors of domestic violence. The research concluded that abused women can find the strength and courage to leave abusive relationships and survive on their own, regardless of the specific time-frame in which they needed to do so.



This was as 31% of the abuse survivors interviewed said that it took up to a year to regain their confidence following an abusive relationship. Others said it could take anywhere between three months and two years to take back control of their lives and enjoy the freedom that is rightfully theirs. "For some women, the decision to leave an abusive relationship is instantaneous while for others, it is one that is reached over time," said Robyn Farrell, trustee of the 1st for Women Foundation.

受採訪的倖存者中,31%的人說在一段虐人的感情之後,她們需要一年的時間才能重拾信心。其她人則表示需要3個月至2年的時間,她們才重新掌控自己的生活、享受她們應得的自由。"對有些女性而言,離開虐人的感情是一瞬間的事情,而對其她人而言,這是經過深思熟慮的,"1st for Women基金的受託人羅賓·法雷爾說。

Although 52% of women believed that their life would be worse if they left their abusive partner, 30% of abuse survivors are now content with who they are. Meanwhile, 32% said that they are finally the person they were always meant to be.


The steps the participants took to leave their abusive relationships varied from person to person. "Many left for the sake of their children, or ran away, leaving when the abusive partner wasn't at home," said Farrell.


"One respondent said that it was the realisation that no child should witness any disrespect or abuse to their mother and that it took a while but she became brave enough to walk out the door with her child in tow and said that it was the best decision she ever made."



