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Scatter 分散;撒

The birds scattered at the sound of the gun. 槍聲一響, 羣鳥受驚飛散。

Don't scatter your strength. 不要分散你的精力。

The farmers were scattering seeds on the fields. 農夫把種子撒在田裏。

Mutually 互相地

These two aims are not always mutually complementary: at times they conflict. 這兩個目標不總是互補的:有時它們相互牴觸。

If everybody is well, mutually congratulates. 如果大家都平安無事,就互相祝賀。

Deprecate 不贊成

The peace-loving people deprecate war. 愛好和平的人民反對戰爭。

I strongly deprecate the use of violence by the students. 我強烈反對學生們使用暴力。

Drift 漂流

The snow drifted everywhere. 雪飄至各處。

The boat drifted down the river. 船順水漂流而下。

Overwhelming 勢不可擋的;壓倒的

The act was adopted by an overwhelming majority. 該法案以壓倒多數通過。

Our football team has won an overwhelming victory. 我們的足球隊取得了壓倒性的勝利。

Overwhelming majority 壓倒的多數

Prevailing 佔優勢的;主要的;盛行的

Plague was then prevailing in that city. 當時瘟疫正在該城流行。

Yellow is the prevailing color in her room. 黃色是她房間的主色。

Appropriate 適當的

Her bright clothes were not appropriate for a funeral. 她那身鮮豔的衣服不適合參加葬禮。

You will be informed of the details at the appropriate time. 在適當的時候將把詳情告訴你。

Domesticated 馴養的;馴服的;馴養

The cat is domesticated. 這隻貓是馴養的。

We domesticated the dog to help us with hunting. 我們馴養狗來幫我們打獵。


Inventory 詳細目錄;存貨清單

This is a detailed inventory of all the jobs to be done. 這是一張待辦事項的詳表。

The inventory showed that the store was overstocked. 清單顯示商店存貨過多。

Voyage 航行;旅程

It is a prosperous voyage to the ship. 這是那艘船的一次成功的航行。

Life is compared to a voyage. 人生好比航海。

The December weather favored our voyage. 12月的天氣使我們的航行順利。

Maroon 使孤立;把..放逐到孤島;閒蕩

When the tide came in I was a maroon out there. 漲潮時,我在那裏遊蕩。

If someone is marooned somewhere,they are left in a place that is difficult for them to escape from.如果某人被孤立在某個地方,意思就是他們很難逃離那個地方。

Adrift 漂泊的;漂流的

They returned to find that someone had cut their boat adrift. 他們回來時發現有人切斷了纜繩任船在水中漂流。

His faith in himself had been shattered and now he felt rootless and adrift. 他的自信心已經崩潰,此時此刻,他覺得自己猶如一葉浮萍,不知飄向何方。

Deliberate 故意的;從容不迫的

He told us a deliberate lie. 他故意跟我們撒謊。

It had more the appearance of a deliberate crime than an accident.那很像是蓄意的罪行,而不像是意外的事故。

Expedition 遠征;考察

The scientists will go on an expedition to the South Pole. 這些科學家們將要去南極考察。

They equipped themselves for the expedition. 他們爲遠征治裝。


Agriculture, iron, and the Bantu people

Scattered 分散的;稀疏的

They heard a few scattered shots. 他們聽見幾聲稀疏的槍聲。

They try to round up a scattered herd of cattle. 他們試圖把分散的牲口趕在一起。

Livestock 家畜

At the county fair last year, prizes were given for the best farm products and livestock. 在去年全縣交易會上, 最好的農產品和家畜都得了獎。

He is good at breeding livestock. 他擅長養家畜。

Camel 駱駝

The camel is a herbivorous animal. 駱駝是一種食草動物。

The merchant decided to use camels to carry his goods across the desert. 商人決定用駱駝載運貨物穿過沙漠。

Profound 深度的;深遠的

I give you my profound thanks for saving my life. 我對您的救命之恩深表謝意。

Beauty is but superficial while mind is profound. 美貌是膚淺的,而思想纔是深邃的。

Blacksmith 鐵匠

The old man is a blacksmith. 那位老人是一位鐵匠。

The blacksmith’s shop is very noisy. 這個鐵匠鋪很吵。

Ingenious 設計獨特的

Try to think of unusual and ingenious solutions. 儘量想想不同尋常的、巧妙的解決方法。

I never heard anything more ingenious than your suggestion. 我從來沒有聽過象你這樣有獨創性的建議。


Desiccation 乾燥

Application: Suitable for desiccation, medical treatment and poultry artificial incubation. 用途:乾燥、醫療和家禽人工孵化。

Spores normally resist desiccation and have many ordinary procedures of disinfection. 芽孢能抗乾燥並且有很多普通的消毒方法。

Millet 小米

Millet is cultivated on some farms here. 這裏有些農場種小米。

Mother cooked easily digestible millet mash at noon. 媽媽中午做了容易消化的小米糊糊。

Sorghum 高粱

They made sorghum into pig feed. 他們把高粱做成了豬飼料。

We can grow sorghum or maize on this plot. 我們可以在這塊地上種植高粱或玉米。(plot小塊土地)

Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亞

They quarrelled with Italy without saving Ethiopia. 他們同意大利爭吵,卻救不了埃塞俄比亞。

I’m familiar with the many nationalities that comprise Ethiopia. 我對組成埃塞俄比亞的衆多民族都很熟悉。

Sudan 蘇丹

Our government buys most of Sudan’s oil and sells it arms. 我們政府購買了大部分的蘇丹石油,並向蘇丹出售武器。

I will go to Sudan on this summer holiday. 今年暑假我將去蘇丹。

Hyksos 希克索斯王朝(公元前18-16世紀統治埃及,又稱“牧人王朝”)

But the Hyksos did introduce new ideas into Egypt. 不過克索人將新思想介紹進了埃及。

They had now acquired the war-horse and the war-chariot, which the Hyksos hand brought to them. 他們現在得到了戰馬和戰車,那是希克索斯帶給他們的。

Cavalry 騎兵

The cavalry were advancing. 騎兵隊伍正在挺進。

They were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry. 他們的側翼受到一隊騎兵襲擊。

Metallurgy 冶金學

I graduated in metallurgy from Birmingham in 1985. 我於1985年在伯明翰大學修讀完冶金學學位。

They are mainly used in metallurgy and conveyor systems. 它們主要應用在冶金和輸送設備領域。

Nigeria 尼日利亞

Back in Nigeria we used to play a lot of tennis. 我們以前在尼日利亞經常打球。

Our listener question this week comes from Nigeria. 本週,我們要解答的聽衆提問來自尼日利亞。

Ghana 加納

I live in Ghana. 我住在加納。

Tema is the port of Ghana in West Africa. 特馬,是西非加納的港口。

Mali 馬裏

Konare became Mali’s President on June 8th this year. 杜爾是今年6月8日就任馬裏總統的。

The other countries affected are Mali, Niger, and Nigeria. 其它感染的國家有馬裏,尼日爾,尼日利亞。

Hoe 鋤

Choose me a good hoe. 替我選一把好鋤頭。

I’d like to hoe in the field. 我願在田裏鋤地。

Furnace 火爐

A blast of hot air came from the furnace. 一股熱風從火爐裏吹出來。

We had better fire up the furnace. 我們最好把爐子生起來。

Demographic 人口統計學的

Demographic pressures threaten to burden the next generation with heavy costs. 人口壓力危機下一代的承重負擔。

Demographic change is another reason why the workforce is greying. 人口變化是勞動力老齡化的又一原因。

Grey 灰色的;灰色

Today, the canopy of the heaven is grey. 今天的天幕是灰色的。

The most popular color this autumn is grey. 今年秋天最流行灰色。



