
VOA流行美語 Unit 389:直覺&問題得到了解決

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李華去Larry家,幫他收拾屋子,他們會用到兩個常用語gut feelingout of the woods.

(knocking on door)
LH: Larry, 快開門。

Larry: OK, OK, I'm coming! I'm coming! (door opens)

LH: 你怎麼還穿着睡衣??都快中午了,難道你還沒有起牀啊?

Larry: Hm? Oh, I must have slept in or something....

LH: 你睡過頭了?咱們今天不是要大掃除嗎?你的好哥們兒不是明天從紐約來看你嗎?你看你這屋子還亂七八糟的呢。

Larry: Hmm.... it is a bit messy in here, isn't it? Well, no matter.... I have a gut feeling my friend isn't coming tomorrow.

LH: Your "gut" has a feeling? 你的腸子有感覺?你要拉肚子嗎?

Larry: No, no. A "gut feeling" refers to someone's intuition. To say you have a gut feeling about something means that you have a feeling about the outcome of something before it happens.

LH: 哦,原來gut feeling就是直覺的意思。你是說,你有個直覺你朋友不會來了。爲什麼這麼說呢?

Larry: Well, sometimes it's hard to explain why you get a gut feeling about something. But in this case, there are a few things that tell me he's not going to come.

LH: 哦?比如說?

Larry: For one thing, this friend of mine has been meaning to visit me for years, and every time, right before he's supposed to come, something happens and he cancels the trip.

LH: 原來,這個人以前每次說要來看你都沒能成行,老是因爲這樣那樣的事兒改變計劃。

Larry: Right, and that's not the only reason I have a gut feeling he won't come.... I was on the phone with him last night....

LH: 你們在電話裏說什麼了?

Larry: Girl trouble.

LH: 怎麼,他跟女朋友吵架了?

Larry: (Sigh)'s right. He was pretty upset. I was talking to him until four o'clock in the morning!

LH: 你跟他聊到凌晨4點鐘?難怪你今天這麼晚都起不來!

Larry: Yep. that's why I have a gut feeling he's going to cancel his trip once again. I was hoping to help him with his problems, but I have a gut feeling that he and his girlfriend are not out of the woods quite yet.

LH: 等一下! 你說,你直覺覺得,他和他女朋友還沒有out of the woods? 他們倆去森林裏幹嘛?

Larry: Ha.... no, they aren't literally in the woods. What I meant is, I don't think their problems are totally solved. My advice may have helped him somewhat, but I don't think they're totally out of the woods yet.

LH: 哦,They aren't out of the woods yet意思是說,他們之間的問題還沒有徹底解決,對嗎?

Larry: That's right. I have a gut feeling they might even break up.

LH: 你覺得他們會分手?要是真這樣,那我也有個gut feeling, 他呀,八成是不會來了。

Larry: Yep. So, (yawns) I might as well get back to bed and catch up on some sleep.

LH: 等一下! Larry, you're not off the hook! 你別以爲這樣就沒事了!你屋裏太亂,你得收拾收拾!

Larry: Aw, Lihua, I'll do it later! I'm exhausted from staying up last night! Besides, my buddy isn't going to come down tomorrow.

LH: 哎?這個你也不能確定啊! 你不只是憑直覺覺得人家不來麼,這怎麼能算數?

Larry: I'm pretty sure about my gut feeling this time, Lihua. (phone rings) Oh, here's my friend calling now. I bet he's going to cancel.

LH: 你快聽聽看,你朋友是不是真的不來了。

Larry: (Answers phone) Hi, Steve, good morning!....... Oh, I slept fine, don't , Really? You got back together with your girlfriend? Oh, I had a gut feeling you two would work things out! Oh, you're coming a day early? Tonight? You're already on your way?? Uhh, great. we'll see you soon, then. Bye!

LH: 什麼?你朋友不僅沒有取消行程,而且還要提前一天到?這下傻眼了吧!看來你的gut feeling很不靠譜!得啦!咱們開始大掃除吧!

今天李華從Larry那兒學到兩個常用語,一個是gut feeling, 表示直覺。另一個是out of the woods,意思是問題得到了解決

VOA流行美語 Unit 389:直覺&問題得到了解決



