
GossipGirl第三季學英語3.12 冬至低迷時節

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緋聞女孩第三季第12集 無間歸來
Bart Bass的一週年忌日,Chuck以一種別樣的方式與父親相遇。一宗嚴重的車禍驚動了上東區。Dan和Vanessa面對彼此日漸複雜曖昧的友誼不知所措。一個同班同學被痛打一頓,Jenny成爲衆矢之的,Eric因此陷入了左右爲難的境地。


片名釋義:The Debarted <—— The Departed
  The Departed還是大家很熟的電影吧?就是翻拍自《無間道》的那個《無間行者》嘛,據說翻拍得不咋滴。
  波士頓南部的馬薩諸塞州黑社會勢力極爲猖獗,其中最大的團伙要數弗蘭克(傑克•尼科爾森 Jack Nicholson 飾)執掌的愛爾蘭黑幫。警方爲了剿滅他們,決定派警校畢業生比利(萊昂納多•迪卡普里奧 Leonardo DiCaprio 飾)潛伏其中做臥底。警官的冷嘲熱諷,讓曾有過底層生活的比利甚爲不爽,他曾希望做堂堂正正的警察,但是在強壓之下也只得服從命令,在經過燒殺搶掠的洗禮後,他贏得了弗蘭克的信任。與此同時,同是畢業生的科林(馬特•達蒙 Matt Damon飾)因爲緝私有功,獲得了上級的嘉獎,並且正在跟心儀女友籌備婚事。而實際上,他是弗蘭克安插到警隊的一枚棋子,兩人勾結牟取私利。警匪先後發現存在內鬼,一場貓鼠博弈由此展開……

Sometimes, reality comes crashing into us. Other times, it dawns on us slowly, despite our best efforts to ignore it.
crash into 闖入
dawn on 漸漸開始明白

緋聞女孩這兩句話主要是說明領悟現實的兩種狀況,一個是猛地一下頓悟,而另一種則是漸漸地領悟,用的這兩個詞挺好。dawn on本意是太陽漸漸升起天越來越亮的意思。

I can't be resting on my laurels.
resting on my laurels 安於現狀,固步自封 relying on previous accolades or successes
laurels就是月桂枝,是榮譽與成就的象徵。不知道跟阿波羅達芙妮那個神話故事有沒有關係,反正是羅馬時期用來編制皇冠的。resting on my laurels跟我們說的躺在功勞簿上差不多。

It slipped my mind. 
slip one's mind 忘記了

That she's holed up with some married politician, acting like some sort of teenage Rielle Hunter? 
hole up 躲藏起來
Rielle Hunter是個美國女演員,與民主黨候選人John Edwards有過婚外情。

You've been ducking work all week. 
duck 一頭鑽入

maybe--maybe this will all blow over.
blow over 輕鬆過關 pass over with little lasting effect
I am a fan of not stepping on them when I'm at John Derian. 
John Derian 是著名的家飾設計店。

No matter who's looking over our shoulder. 
look over shoulder 回頭看

Spotted--an "it" girl with an "it" bag. 
"it"girl 物質女孩 a charming, sexy young woman who receives intense mediacoverage unrelated or disproportional to personal achievements
"it"girl是指性感迷人的年輕女士,或是經常現身主流媒體及終日參加聚會的女性。她們的個人成就並不是其受到的媒體關注的主要原因。對某人一個itgirl的稱謂常常是暫時性的,她們中發展勢頭良好的會最終成爲真正意味上的明星,其他人的將在流行過後淡出公衆視野。這個詞來源於1927年時英國小說及劇作家Elinor Glyn,用來形容好萊塢片《It》中性感、品位及性格的女主角Clara Bow。1927年,英國小說家ElinorGlyn用“It Girl”形容了一個好萊塢史上首個打性感牌的女星ClaraBow,其25歲時就已拍了48部電影,是默片時代的頂樑柱明星之一,在電影《It》中她以輕巧的FlapperLook成爲1920年代大衆的模仿形象。

I've never seen one in the flesh. 
in the flesh 真容 Alive; In person; present.

O.M.G.! Twins! 
O.M.G = oh my god 我的天哪!

Well, great minds shop alike. 
great minds shop alike 從Great minds think alike演變而來,英雄所見略同。

If you went toe-to-toe with paul hoffman that you couldn't take him down? 
toe to toe 當面對峙 in close and direct confrontation, competition

時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題

GossipGirl第三季學英語3.12 冬至低迷時節
He's a douche.
douche 【俚語】白癡 a word to describe an individual who has shown themself to be very brainless in one way

But an attractive man like yourself moves into the building... based on your comings and goings, 
comings and goings 行爲,活動 Movements, activities

I was hoping you'd come to your senses, and now you have. 
come to one's senses 不再做傻事

And if you want the write-off for '09, You need to be breaking ground by the new year, so... Ho ho homeless. 
write-off 銷帳,勾銷
break ground 破土動工

Bass老爸這兩句話說得很有點水準,尤其最後一句ho ho homeless,ho ho模仿的是聖誕老人的笑聲,用以嘲弄無家可歸的流浪者,尤顯殘酷。

I'm--I'm starved and bored out of my mind. 
bored out of your mind 極度無聊 extremely bored

- Ever read "the old man and the sea"?  
- I prefer Fitzgerald to Hemingway.

And if you need anything else, just give me a buzz. 
give me a buzz 【口語】打電話給我

It's Y.S.L. For everyone.
Y.S.L.是指時尚品牌Yves saint Laurent。
Bart's 1-year mark. 
1-year mark 週年紀念

I think that you should be open to the idea that at least some of what Maureen was saying might be true.
open to the idea 開始考慮

Here comes Nate to stir it up. 
stir it up 挑起事端 to set in motion; instigate

I guess I had to learn the hard way. 
like mother, like daughter. 
learn the hard way 吃過不少苦頭才理解,不撞南牆不回頭 to learn something by experience, especially by an unpleasant experience.
like mother, like daughter. 有其母必有其女

Sinatra sings, "New York, New York, it's a helluva town."
Second thoughts creep in. Secret missions sneak out. 
creep in 偷偷潛入
sneak out 偷偷溜出

he queen bee likes a thrill, yeah?
thrill 玩刺激 To cause to feel a sudden intense sensation; excite greatly

時尚裝扮 地道口語 盡在緋聞女孩華麗專題



