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編制單位:_年 月                  單位:

項 目  本月數  本年累計數  一、主營業務收入  1957000     減:主營業務成本  1136719     主營業務稅金及附加  37493.24     二、主營業務利潤(虧損以“-”號填列)  782787.76     加: 其他業務利潤(虧損以“-”號填列)  8677.2     減:營業費用  38355     管理費用  270174.96     財務費用  21389.1     三、營業利潤(虧損以“-”號填列)  461545.9     加:投資收益(虧損以“-”號填列)  42500     補貼收入        營業外收入  32269.23     減:營業外支出  133628.5     四、利潤總額(虧損總額以“-”號填列)  402686.63     減:所得稅  66886.59     五、淨利潤(淨虧損以“-”號填列)  335800.04    


項 目  本年累計數  上年實際數  1.出售、處置部門或被投資單位所得收益        2.自然災害發生的損失        3.會計政策變更增加(或減少)利潤總額        4.會計估計變更增加(或減少)利潤總額        5.債務重組損失        6.其他       

[Your Company Name]  Income Statement  For the Year Ended [Mmmm Dd, 200X]                     Revenue:                 Gross Sales           $0.00     Less:  Sales Returns and Allowances           $0.00     Net Sales           $0.00                      Cost of Goods Sold:               Beginning Inventory     $0.00           Add:  Purchases     $0.00           Freight-in     $0.00             Direct Labor     $0.00              Indirect Expenses     $0.00                   $0.00           Less:  Ending Inventory     $0.00           Cost of Goods Sold           $0.00                         Gross Profit (Loss)           $0.00                      Expenses:                 Advertising     $0.00           Amortization     $0.00           Bad Debts     $0.00           Bank Charges     $0.00           Charitable Contributions     $0.00           Commissions     $0.00         Contract Labor     $0.00           Credit Card Fees     $0.00           Delivery Expenses     $0.00           Depreciation     $0.00           Dues and Subscriptions     $0.00           Insurance     $0.00           Interest     $0.00           Maintenance     $0.00           Miscellaneous     $0.00           Office Expenses     $0.00           Operating Supplies     $0.00           Payroll Taxes     $0.00           Permits and Licenses     $0.00           Postage     $0.00           Professional Fees     $0.00           Property Taxes     $0.00           Rent        $0.00           Repairs     $0.00           Telephone     $0.00           Travel        $0.00           Utilities     $0.00           Vehicle Expenses     $0.00           Wages     $0.00           Total Expenses           $0.00                          Net Operating Income           $0.00                       Other Income:                 Gain (Loss) on Sale of Assets     $0.00           Interest Income     $0.00           Total Other Income           $0.00                       Net Income (Loss)           $0.00


